♥ Dear Yuiji, ♥

Happy Anniversary baby ♥ These are my favorite photos of you:



School Event Photo

I'm not entirely sure what event this photo was from, but I believe it was a dancing event possibly.

25th August 2023



Beautiful Necklace!

This photo is quite special to me, because it's the only photo I have were you're wearing the Necklace I gave you, and it looks amazingly good on you!

11th February 2024



Most Beautiful Photo

This has to be one of my favorite of photos that I have from you, The moment you sent me this photo, it's like I fell in love all over again. You're so incredibly beautiful on this photo. I'm extremely lucky to have you babe!

17th March 2024



Beautiful nose!

This is actually my current photo on my Phones lock screen, because your nose really shines on this one, just another example of you being incredibly beautiful!

14th June 2024



Smooth girl

I don't have much words about this photo, but I just really like your hair on this one, and you look so confident on this photo, I love it!

18th December 2023



First photo ever!

This is another special photo, because this is the very first photo you've ever sent me about yourself. Back when we talked dirty to each other hahahaha.

18th July 2023



Naughty look

This is one of the early photos too, I thought you looked quite naughty on this photo, and honestly It's just a really beautiful photo of you.

24th July 2023



Flower girl

This photo is really cute, the flower which obviously is a filter, but it's really nice. Also the wink did it for me on that photo. I instantly felt extremely happy again when seeing the photo.

4th October 2023



Business Look

I really like this look on you, you look very professional on this photo, it's like you're a true business woman, and you look confident as in knowing you'll get things done. I'm so proud of you baby!

4th October 2023



Our Future!

Honestly we've just been together for 1 year now, but this is how I see us in the future baby, I really hope that one day I can call you my wife, and I really feel like we belong to each other. I love you so much!

2024 and beyond!

Emotional Memory

I remember the day you got banned the first time on CB, I'll never forget that, I woke up from my phone notification and saw your message, and I instantly knew it was serious, We got into a call, and when I heard you cry, it broke my heart. I knew at that point that I had to help you, but in the end i did get you unbanned, and was able to see you smile again.

Happy Memory

We've had multiple happy memories, I can't really choose one specifically, so I'm just going to say I always appreciated our bonding days I also really enjoyd all Monthsary days we've spent together, those were and always will be special to me.

Argumental Memory

I don't really want to bring up any of our arguments, because they weren't fun, but they did learn both of us valuable lessons aswell as made our bond so much stronger, we've went through crazy arguments and fights over the last year, but we've come out stronger and more determined to be together, I really enjoy our strong bond babe!

I love you so fucking much babe, You mean everything to me, and I'll forever be yours!